
These are the companies, confirmed to participate in the industrial exhibition at the EXRS 2018:
[insert_php] $logos = array( 0 => ‘‘, 1 => ‘‘, 2 => ‘‘, 3 => ‘‘, 4 => ‘‘, 5 => ‘‘, 6 => ‘‘, 7 => ‘‘, 8 => ‘‘, 9 => ‘‘, 10 => ‘‘, 11 => ‘‘, 12 => ‘‘, 13 => ‘‘, 14 => ‘‘, 15 => ‘‘, 16 => ‘‘, 17 => ‘‘, 18 => ‘‘, 19 => ‘‘, 20 => ‘‘, 21 => ‘‘, 22 => ‘‘, 23 => ‘‘ ); $logosSize = sizeof($logos); $htmlCode = ‘
‘; for( $i=0; $i<$logosSize; $i++) { $randIndx = rand(0,sizeof($logos)-1); $htmlCode = $htmlCode . $logos[$randIndx]; array_splice($logos,$randIndx,1); if (($i+1) % 2 == 0) { $htmlCode = $htmlCode . '
‘; if ($i != $logosSize – 1) { $htmlCode = $htmlCode . ‘
‘; } } } if ($logosSize % 2 != 0) { $htmlCode = $htmlCode . ‘
‘; } echo $htmlCode; [/insert_php]